
For your campaign, will you be accepting donations from corporations or unions? If so, why? If not, why not?

Responses to the question: "For your campaign, will you be accepting donations from corporations or unions? If so, why? If not, why not?"

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70 Candidate Responses (top)

CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Baldasaro, Michael James No No. I will not be accepting donations from corporations or unions to support my campaign for Mayor of the G.H.A., "The Greater Hamilton Area". I am not asking for and/or accepting donations from anyone and will spend between $500.00 and $1,000.00 of my own money, running on my name and word of mouth.

The reason I refuse to seek funds from my fellow Constituents to fund my Mayoral Campaign, is because I do not believe in begging, i.e. putting my hand in the pockets of those I am looking to represent and enrich, the Citizens of the 'G.H.A.".

I believe in putting money in everyone's pockets through responsible and accessible Leadership, working together with Council, Municipal Workers and the Citizens we serve equally throughout the G.H.A.
Bratina, Bob No As in the past our campaign will only accept personal donations. This is becoming the accepted practice among constituencies that wish to ensure minimal corporate and union influence on Councillors' decisions.
Butani, Mahesh P. No I will not be accepting donations from corporations or unions.

I believe that elections should be conducted with an entirely different approach if we are at all expecting to see substantive changes in outcomes.

I believe elections should be run on communicating candidates campaign platforms/initiatives - and the media available at our disposal in our times - provides free access to all voters to review what is being proposed by candidates. Live debates offers another channel to get to know the candidates well.
Di Ianni, Larry No In this election, our community-based campaign will only accept personal contributions – no donations, (either monetary or in-kind) from unions or corporations will be accepted. As a previous federal candidate, I have already run an election campaign without corporate or union donations. I am confident that we will be able to raise the funds we need to run our campaign from individual donors throughout the community.
Eisenberger, Fred No I am not accepting corporate or union donations for my campaign. While corporations and unions play important roles in our society, individual members of our community are my priority.
Filice, Pasquale Yes Yes, it will be deposited at city hall bank account.
Graydon, Edward H.C. No I believe that running for Mayor is one of civic responsibility, and believe that taking any contributions will distract from the idea to serve all voters fairly. I believe that if a mayoral candidate does not have the personal funds to run, then they are in the wrong arena! Now that I have decided to run for mayor of Hamilton, it is my goal that I have absolutely no possibility of showing favouritism or that my name be attached to it. I hope to help all people rich and poor to make Hamilton a healthier, cleaner and more vibrant city. I truly believe that all projects in the future should be based on their own merit. I believe Hamilton's disadvantaged need the help the most if our city is to move forward.
Haines, Andrew No The answer to your question is "no, thank-you".

I believe that by accepting a corporate or union donation would leave me vulnerable to the influence of the donor and would, thus, create a conflict of interest for me, before I even get started.

I believe that Hamilton is the centre of the universe, I would like to be its leader and I wish to run an honest campaign which treats everyone fairly.

"Love All, Serve All" is one of the very best mottos that I've ever heard. It's the Hard Rock Cafe's motto and I have adopted it for my campaign.
Hamilton, Glenn Yes As for contributions, the maximum any one entity can contribute is $750.00, based on my knowledge of the laws (MEA) and by what I was told by City Hall. I believe the key is to do it legally.

As for me, I need all the help I can get for my grass roots campaign! I am up against two career politicians and their formidable campaign machines as you know. That's Eisenberger and Di Ianni for sure and whoever else is running.

I want to mention that corporations and unions play a very important role in our community. That is how we have jobs and that is how we make good working conditions between the two of them. We want more of that here in Hamilton Now! The Unions of Hamilton helped to create the middle class in North America and perhaps the world, right here in Hamilton in the 1930s. We have lots to celebrate and be proud of as Hamiltonians, but much more work needs to be done.
Leach, Ken No I will not be accepting donations from corporations or unions.

With past mayoral races in mind, the question that you ask is obvious.

I do not wish to dissuade voters by leaving the impression that I am pro-business, or pro-union.

I am pro-people.

Although corporations and unions support their workers, I do not wish to associate myself with these organizations,
I prefer to associate myself with their members.

With that in mind another interesting question arises, if the candidates are unwilling to accept donations from
corporations, are they willing to accept 'personal' donations from the executive members of the same corporations and unions?

Again I will distance myself from any potential issues.
Marrone, Tone No Thank you for asking such a pertinent question. I am not excepting any donations fron corporations or unions for the simple reason that Im running for office to be a public servant. In my interpretation of such a vocation it means to serve the constituents not the private sector. My slogan for the campaign is "the peoples mayor". My whole life has been lined with integrity, I'm real, not phoney. Nobody is going to tie strings on my back, count on that. Again, thanks for asking.
Speziale, Gino No No we will not be accepting donations from corporations or unions.

As we all know and recognize donations from the these two organizations is only a short term investment on their part for long time returns. Decisions made by any elected persons will always have the influence to ensure that extra considerations are made to the corporations or unions in which gave financial support. This only leads to unfair practices and discriminates against all parties other than the corporations or unions.
Veri, Victor No No. I do not want to feel beholding to contributors. I want to make free thinking decisions.
Waxman, Steven No The campaign is being financed from personal funds.
Ward 01
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Greco, Tony Yes Yes, the campaign will be accepting donations from trade unions and corporations. These organizations play a vital and integral role in the life and well being of the City of Hamilton.
McHattie, Brian No As I did in the 2003 and 2006 municipal elections, I am not accepting donations from corporations and unions. The reason is that these organizations have had undue influence (and continue to do so, primarily housing developers) at City Hall, and in order for me to feel entirely comfortable speaking out on urban sprawl and similar issues it is important for me to not accept these donations. Although I do work with developers in my capacity as the Ward 1 Councillor, namely on housing intensification projects, our relation must remain all business with no monetary ties.
Ward 02
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Caplan, Marvin No I do not plan on accepting donations from Corporations or Unions. This is a bit of a phony issue as far as Corporate donations go. Since donations are not tax deductible, a donation from Mr. Smith or Smith Corporation doesn't have any more or less benefit to Smith. The other point, if you think a candidate can be bought for a few dollars, you shouldn't vote for him or her in any event.
Casey, Paul No I will not be accepting donations from any corporate or union sources. Although a such a revenue stream would provide a definite advantages paying for a bigger campaign, I personally believe the benefits are short lived. I would not want to feel compromised in any way. If the members of a union or employees of a corporation believe in me and what i stand for, their individual choice to vote for me has far more value.

That said, once I finalize my website this week, I will have a "contributions" page, however I will be asking that instead of funding my campaign to buy flyers and posters that have a relatively short usable life, individuals consider donating any time or money that they would consider giving to my campaign to a cause of their choice instead. It blows me away how much will be spent over the next 5 weeks. In Ward 2, candidates have a cap of $21k for campaign expenses. I am trying to be fiscally responsible right out of the gate and will force myself to be as strategic and creative as possible. I figure one of my big expenses is going to be footwear as i plan to do a lot of walking over the next 36 days.
Castle, John No I don't expect any offers for contributions or donations from anyone.
Chiarelli, Diane No For my campaign I will not be accepting union or corporation donations. When I made the decision to run l decided to run an old school grassroots campaign! It is my belief that a councillor works for all the people of their ward and is their voice at council. I would not feel comfortable if anyone felt that l was only representing the interested parties of certain corporations or unions.
Deans, Ian No I'm financing my own campaign because I want to set an example for the people and the council.
Farr, Jason Yes Both - only from those I know well - have worked with in the past - and who are well aware, I am nobody's "man" on council.. we have had great support from many familiar friend (from decades of community work) and the team is very greatfull.
Geleynse, Martinus No I am not accepting any corporate or union donations for my campaign. My reasoning is that I wish to maintain transparency and integrity in my campaign; refusing to be in the pocket of anyone. If I am elected, it will be by the will and votes of the citizens of Ward 2.
Gentile, Matteo No I do not believe that organizations that have an inherent influence with a group of people should be able to use that influence to try and affect the outcome of an election.
Hess, Erik Yes As a candidate with no corporate or union affiliations, I will accept campaign donations from all sources with the intention of using those donations strictly for campaign purposes. I will not accept money from any source that makes it contingent upon a perceived agenda or with strings attached.
Ielasi, Pat No I will not be accepting any donations from big corporations or unions. I believe that decisions made should be made on the merits of the issues and that no influence, either real or perceived, should play a factor in any decision made.
Janjic, Ned Yes I would gladly welcome any help I could get from donors.
Jelly, Matt No We will not be accepting union or corporate donations - only from individuals.
Jones, Hoojung Yes Currently, our campaign office is accepting donations from individuals (99%) and small businesses (1%) to help raise the funds. We are not accepting donations from large corporations or unions. When you accept the donations from them, it might influence and hinder your clear judgment to work for all residents. I believe that donations from many grassroots individuals will have a positive outcome, and it will also help them to engage in a voting process.
Lescaudron, Dawn No No, I will not be accepting donations of any sort from corporations or

I am a firm believer in perception. If in fact one was to accept donations
from the corporations or unions wouldn't they be considered indebted? Would this create questions from the public when and if a decision was made by the council that was favourable to the contributors?

Although I admit that I have received offers of donations from these sources and I am appreciative, *I have declined*. There are far more needy places that their donations can be made such as women's shelters, teen centers, etc. I would encourage them to put their money to good and better use.

I will run my campaign as I do my life with utmost honesty and integrity.
Novak, James Yes I will accept only donations which are legal under the Ontario Municipal Act.
Pipe, Charlie No My campaign has not accepted any donations from corporations or unions. It has been funded solely by donations from individuals.
Wright, Kevin No I will not be accepting corporate and/or union donations.
Ward 03
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Black, Bob Yes Yes I have accepted donations from unions, as well as individuals I have been endorsed by the Canadian Labour Congress as well as the Hamilton District Labour Council, I have accepted these donations because it has proven to be expensive.
DiMillo, Mark Yes I will not accept campaign contributions from unions or companies that are under contract directly or indirectly with the City of Hamilton. However, if a friend of mine who runs a small business wants to contribute from his business account, no problem.
Gibson, Sean Yes To date I have accepted donations from family, residents, friends, local business in the neighborhood and Local 5167. My mother has worked at McMaster University since I was 13 years old; her union has always looked after us and represents the best interest of their members. Local 5167is in my ward and their support is something I welcome.
McGrimmond, Wilamina No No corporations or unions. I have not asked to give money, and I have been a union member for years.

I can not take money from either as I want to work for the people instead.
Morelli, Bernie Maybe To date, I am financing my own campaign and have not accepted any funds at this point.

As in the past, I will file a final report and follow the rules as outlined in the Municipal Elections Act.
Tetley, Paul No I'm not accepting corporate, or union donations. I believe the role of the councillor is to represent the interests of the residents of Ward 3 and the City of Hamilton.
Ward 04
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Bulbrook, Norm No No I will not be accepting any donations or contributions at all. Although it is legal right to accept donations or contributions, everybody should have the same representation regardless of money.
Cicconi, Giulio No Presently, I am not receiving any donations from unions or corporations. I am running my campaign with my own funds.
Merulla, Sam Yes Yes I will be accepting donations from legal donors including corporations, unions and individuals, because it is legal and permitted.
Ward 05
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Bedi, Jaswinder No No corporation or Union donations will be accepted.
Ward 06
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Behrens, Chris Yes I have not received any contributions from any unions or corporations. However, if either of them would like to contribute, I would accept it. Elections are hard to win when you are supporting your own campaign, running with multiple candidates, and running against the incumbent. If the incumbent receives contributions from corporations or unions, then the other candidates should do so as well to keep it fair.
Knowles, Steven No I do not accept donations from anyone personally, on a corporate level, or from any union. I am running this campaign out of pocket because I believe in the following:

1. When using your own personal money you run your campaign very efficiently and if you can't control costs on your campaign, then how can you spend tax payers money appropriately?

2. If someone gives money to a candidate then they are creating a bias. How can people act honestly when they "owe" something to someone else.

In the end I feel if you are in this for the right reasons then you will run out of your own pocket. If people want change they shouldn't have to pay for it. We pay for enough with taxes. Save your money, enjoy it with your family. Just vote!
Pecyna, Ed Yes I will accept donations from corporations, unions as well as individuals for two reasons:

1. It is mandated by the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (i.e. it is legal and has limits).

2. Running a campaign is an expensive proposition, especially for non-incumbents.

While there are many arguments for and against corporate and union contributions, currently they are legal and are subject to the same restrictions as those for individuals. If there is enough political will from the public to modify or eliminate these types of contributions in future election campaigns, I would welcome the opportunity to abide by new rules that would be in effect for *all* candidates and hopefully level the playing field for all.
Yan, Nathalie Xian Yi Yes I believe both corporations and unions as a group have a right to contribute or donate to the candidate of their choice with limitations held to certain amount.

The company is a taxpayer and has the vital role to play in our society, especially economy field. The union per-se does not pay taxes but they influence the community as well. They as a group should be able to donate up to certain amount as well.
Ward 07
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Beck, Keith Yes For this campaign I'm not soliciting donations from corporations or unions BUT I will accept them if offered. I support the move to reform donations to limit them to individuals, but until the change applies to all candidates, I will accept any allowed contribution.

In my ward race, I'm the only candidate without a previous public profile. To be responsible to my campaign and the people who support its position, I need to use all available resources to communicate the message to voters.
Duvall, Scott Yes Yes, I will be honoured to accept any donations to my campaign that citizens and supporters are prepared to give me. It is their right under the Election Act to support the candidate of their choice, and my right to accept that support.
Gallagher, John No I do not accept donations, corporate, union or from individuals. In the past several elections, I have returned donations generously sent to me unsolicited. I have returned many thousands of dollars over the years.

Corporate and union donations bring with them a perception that a Councillor or the Mayor might give special consideration to special interest groups.

I have no problem with individual donations being accepted, as long as it is clear the donation is in support of a candidate's platform.
Pettit, Trevor Yes Yes I will accept contributions from both corporations and unions should they decide to make a donation. I believe they both have a vested interest in the community and have every right to participate in the democratic process by supporting candidates of their choice.

Having said that I also am a strong proponent of tax credits for individuals that contribute. This is done at the provincial and federal levels so should also be allowed at the municipal level. Individuals tend to be more participatory when they receive a tax receipt.
Ward 08
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Jenkinson, Kim No This is my first election, and I hope to keep the costs down. I will be
using primarily the internet and email to market and do not expect to need a
lot of money to run my campaign. This early on, that could be naive.

I will be soliciting donations from individuals, but just enough to support
the expected expenses. I would be concerned about appearing to be
politically partisan to special interest unions or corporations.
Whitehead, Terry Yes I will be following the rules of the Municipal Elections Act.
Ward 09
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Clark, Brad Yes I will be abiding by the Municipal Elections Act. Each donation that I receive, whether individual or corporate, is reviewed prior to acceptance and deposit.
Fiorentino, Nancy Yes For the 2010 municipal election, I will be accepting donations from corporations or unions for the following reasons:

a)If a corporation or union donates to my campaign then they are publicly accepting my platform and objectives and by donating it is their way of showing their support for the platform that I have posted publicly from day one of my nomination. I stress that it is they that are supportive of my initiatives - not the other way around.

b) The option to refuse a donation from an individual, a corporation, or a union is available to election candidates should they wish to forgo a donation if they feel that it is being made with inappropriate intentions. All donations received will be reviewed prior to their formal acceptance to ensure that they do not contradict what benefits Ward 9 or the City of Hamilton or the objectives that I have publicly noted.

c) Unlike the City of Toronto, the receiving of campaign donations from unions or corporations is permitted in the election process for the City of Hamilton under the Municipal Elections Act. If there is enough opposition to overturn the current policy in Hamilton of accepting such donations, then a review of the policy is certainly warranted and I am very open to that process.

d) The Municipal Elections Act clearly outlines the rules/law to follow when accepting campaign donations. I intend to and will follow the Municipal Elections Act accordingly.
McMullen, Geraldine Yes While I understand the position of those who support the elimination of corporate and union donations from the municipal election process, I invite and require further discussion to support this position. Contributions are made by the public with a maximum amount allowable and a reporting mechanism for all contributions. Labour or corporations need to be able to give money to whomever they support. The community and all who contribute to it should be engaged in elections. I am currently, accepting donations from individuals, labour and corporations.
Mowatt, Andrew Yes Yes I will be accepting donations from individuals or corporations. It is their legal right to donate. I will not be influenced by a $100.00 donation from an individual who supports me or a $100.00 donation from a corporation that supports me.
Ward 10
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Bustamante, Jose Pablo Yes At the beginning of my campaign we decided to receive donations from unions and corporations. However, so far all the contributions received came from individuals.

I believe that campaigns should be solely financed by individuals. However, current regulations allow candidates to receive donations from unions and corporations as well. For this reason my campaign team decided to receive donations from unions and corporations.
Josipovic, Bernard No No I will not be accepting donations from Corporations or Unions. I am self funding my campaign with small donations from friends and family.

The reason for this is that I want to have no ties to Corporations or Unions in my bid for Ward 10 Councillor. I want to go in with a clean slate with no connections to anyone. I want to represent the people of Ward 10 and by denying donations from Corporations and Unions will make this a more achievable goal.
Ward 11
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Chartrand, Ken Yes I will not accept donations from corporations or developers. I have had numerous discussions with union leaders and reps and I believe these people are hard working individuals who live in Hamilton and surrounding areas. At this time I have received one donation from a union. I feel the support of unions is supporting our community.
Johnson, Brenda No No I do not accept donations from corporations and unions. I only accept donations from individuals because it is the individuals who vote.
Mitchell, David Yes Yes, as I have in past previous elections, I will be accepting campaign contributions from corporations. By law, a corporation has the same rights as a single individual to make donations to candidates, I do not wish to discriminate.
Ward 12
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Cox-Graham, Brenda No No I will not be accepting money from corporations or unions. I believe in the golden rule...she who has the gold, rules. Thus it is important to use money from sources that carry no obligations!
Ward 13
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Powers, Russ No As in my past municipal election campaigns, I do not accept donations from corporations and/or unions.
Robinson, Glenn No I will not be accepting donations from corporations or unions to support my campaign. It is my belief that accepting such donations is contrary to true democracy.
Scime, Danya Yes I am sure that I will have a few friends that will send me donations.

Because of my business background, many of my friends are self employed and therefore president of their corporations... I do not know if they will send a cheque personally or on a business account.

Regarding Unions contributing to my campaign, I cannot think of one that would. I am not affiliated with any Unions, nor can I recall any friends that would have signing authority.

I don't believe I will have that kind of financial support through "outside" contributions.

This campaign is being executed on a very tight budget, I will accept financial support to help cover the costs.
Tammer, Ron Yes I will not accept any contributions from corporations.

I may accept one contribution from a union, but I do not wish to speak to that until it is actually offered (if it is, I will gladly explain why this is not compromising my ideals.)

I am planning on accepting a total of 2 campaign contributions, from sources that will be disclosed once I receive them.

I am planning on running a very low-cost campaign, with a limited number of signs, some business cards, and a print ad or two.

The reasons for this are two-fold.

One, I am a bit of an environmentalist; I don't believe in handing out a lot of pamphlets that will be mostly thrown out, when my platform and updates can be posted on my Facebook page.

Two, I don't like the concept of campaign contributions, especially corporate
contributions. I don't like the idea of democracy being fueled by cash, and I don't like the idea of politicians feeling beholden to those that helped finance their campaigns. Mind you, Exxon has not been knocking on my door with wallet in hand, but influence can also be purchased on a smaller scale.

The contributions that I will (hopefully) receive will be from sources that will in no way gain a hold over me because of their assistance. I will explain that more clearly, once the donations are secured.
Ward 15
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Bos, Neil No I will not be soliciting or receiving campaign donations from corporations or trade unions or non-governmental agencies or motorcycle gangs or humanitarian agencies or political parties or limited-liability professional firms.

It is my preference that private individuals and families who care about Ward 15 and Flamborough will, to the extent that they can, help me with small donations so I can properly introduce myself to the voters of Ward 15.
Gaspar, Brian Yes I would accept political donations providing that my vision and goals of my political platform where similar to that of a corporation or union. I see it no different than a or family members supporting your campaigns because they believe in your causes.
Partridge, Judi No I will not accept any personal, corporate or union donations. My commitment is to serve each of you, the people of Hamilton and Ward 15 Flamborough with equal respect and fair consideration. I am not convinced that there is any difference between receiving a personal donation from one person or receiving the same donation from a corporation, developer or union. How is that any different? Many people just can't afford to donate, so become part of the have and have not society, which is wrong.

Response Summary (top)

Brief ResponseCount% of Total

13 Candidates Have Not Responded (top)

Wozny, Mark
Ward 01
Paquette, Raymond
Ward 02
Coleman, Shane
Ferguson, Lloyd
Ward 05
Collins, Chad
Rukavina, Frank
Stacey, Dave
Ward 06
Febers, Michelle
Jackson, Tom
Ward 10
Pearson, Maria
Ward 12
Ferguson, Lloyd
Ward 13
Zuliniak, Marty
Ward 14
Pasuta, Robert