Danya Scime, Candidate for Ward 13 in Hamilton Municipal Election 2010
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Candidate Details (top)
Name | Scime, Danya |
Election | Hamilton Municipal Election 2010 |
Area | Ward 13 |
Party | N/A |
Votes | 1761 |
danyafordundas@hotmail.ca | |
Website | http://www.danyafordundas.com/ |
Home | |
Business | 905-541-2980 |
Fax | |
Bio | Danya has four children, three of whom are grown and living outside of the family home. Her youngest has just entered the same school that Danya attended as a teen, Highland Secondary.
Dundas is Danya's 'hometown' and she is proud to have raised her children in this beautiful niche that is so full of Ontario's heritage. Danya's love and commitment to her family and her community is evident as she speaks of the memories they have shared and the future they should have within her small Town. Her passion is obvious and a clear reflection of how she will serve as Councillor. Danya is an advocate of living in harmony at all levels ~ within her family life, throughout Dundas and the broader community of Hamilton. Her dedication to Dundas and Danya's respect in acknowledging and embracing the differences between all of the wards within our City is evident. The core of Danya's values may be summarized as a parent views a child. Danya recently declared, "Each child needs to be embraced as a cherished, unique individual. Each community within Hamilton has its own needs and distinct character. Through respect and awareness of our differences, we can live in harmony." |
Responses to Questions (top)
Question | Brief Response | Full Response |
Should we spend the Future Fund to build a Pan Am / Ticat stadium on the CP Rail Yard lands? Why or why not? | Maybe | A VERY SMALL PORTION **only if absolutely necessary!** The Future Fund's directive is not to use it entirely for any one purpose. With that said, we need to work diligently on having PRIVATE INVESTORS (ie naming rights could generate millions of dollars) to fund this entire stadium. If we engage with the Private Sector, Mr. Young and other interested parties, we should be able to make this a reality.
IF we need a small amount from the FF, then it may be necessary ~ **an alternative, may be to borrow from the FF to get the Stadium built and then pay it back after the Pan Am Games...We must realize that the Stadium will boost EcDev and Pan Am games will boost Tourism, jobs, etc. This entire project, if executed properly will have a huge, positive impact on all aspects of what the Future Funds were meant to accomplish... My hope is that the new Councillors at City Hall will work to make the Stadium and Pan Am Games the pride of Hamilton. With what our Citizen's have witnessed lately, we need to boost our moral and work at getting this huge opportunity right! |
Do you believe that poverty is the most critical issue facing Hamilton today? If so, please outline your solutions. If not, please explain your reasons. | Yes | Lack of jobs is what is driving our poverty level. Lack of decent paying jobs is also seriously challenging our working poor. We need to encourage small businesses to grow and we need to entice large industrial/commercial to move to Hamilton. In the interim, I firmly believe we have to stop spending money on projects that will not have any long term benefits. I could scream every time I look at the new pedestrian bridge that was built from the East end over to Confederation Park. Apparently the funding was 'offered' by the Province...Why would Council not request we use the money to help fund small businesses, infrastructure, or help fill our food banks. Cut backs are needed and we need to work together to help anyone less fortunate. Dundas Citizens have always had huge hearts for food drives and we need to stay involved. I would also like to find a solution through an umbrella insurance clause which would allow donations of food be sent by restaurants etc at the end of the evening to go to the food banks. We need to stop poverty by starting businesses. |
Hamilton's Cycling Master Plan has Council approval. However, the implementation timeline is very long and ward councillors can block individual bike lane projects. Do you support accelerating the completion of a continuous bicycle network and other initiatives like a bike sharing program and better access up and down the Escarpment? Why or why not? | No | I do support more bike paths and bike lane projects but I do not support "accelerating" the Cycling project. I do believe in being proactive in both the planning stages and the implementation. As roadways / infrastructure is repaired, it must be well known ~ prior to the work being started ~ whether or not it is a bike pathway within the Master Plan.
If the said repairs / upgrades are part of the route, then yes, get it done. (I don't want to see any project be completed only to have to be re-done in five years because we forgot about the long term plan.) We have an extremely tight budget and must remain focused on making sure that every dollar we spend is spent wisely. There are many issues on the table now, that need our support now (jobs, poverty, low income housing, senior care, infrastructure). |
For your campaign, will you be accepting donations from corporations or unions? If so, why? If not, why not? | Yes | I am sure that I will have a few friends that will send me donations.
Because of my business background, many of my friends are self employed and therefore president of their corporations... I do not know if they will send a cheque personally or on a business account. Regarding Unions contributing to my campaign, I cannot think of one that would. I am not affiliated with any Unions, nor can I recall any friends that would have signing authority. I don't believe I will have that kind of financial support through "outside" contributions. This campaign is being executed on a very tight budget, I will accept financial support to help cover the costs. |
Will your term change people's first impression of Hamilton, and make that first impression more attractive to visitors, students, commuters and newcomers? If so, how? | Yes | Yes, I will work diligently to involve the Citizens of Dundas and the entire City of Hamilton to be proud of what we have and bring us together for improvement. Cleaning up our boarded up buildings, encouraging mixed usage within them to have an appealing streetscape. Engaging our students in healthy competitions between the Wards to 'pitch in and clean up' our streets, to plant our flowers, to have the feeling of belonging. Revitalizing downtown and our West Harbor will further add to the beauty Hamilton has yet to uncover. To encourage visitors and commuters to use our transit systems by having our Tourist destinations also work together and have passes for our transit to take them to several of our amazing attractions in one day...A trip to Dundurn Castle, then to Royal Botanical Gardens and then downtown Dundas for a visit at Carnagie Hall and lunch at one of our great restaurants... If we show pride in our City, newcomers will want to come and grow with us towards a positive future. The City is a diamond in the rough with many gems already uncovered and many more waiting to be unearthed. |
Council is poised to vote on the Airport Employment Growth District, a 3,000 acre plan to expand the urban boundary around Hamilton International Airport for employment lands. Do you support this plan? Why or why not? | No | I do not support 3000 acres at this one location! I have made it very clear that we need to address the lands that we have sitting vacant through out our City's downtown core and each of the other Ward's "downtown locations"...I fully appreciate the fact that some of the brownfields need huge dollars for remediation, and we need to get that out in the open and deal with it!
We need to look at different applications and usage for some of our light commercial buildings that are sitting, deteriorating. We need to 'blend' light commercial, restaurants, medical offices etc. on the ground level and low income to condos above. With that said, we must also plan for the future. Some industrial and manufacturing plants need larger parcels of property...this is where we need to go outside of the urban area. I would support looking at all properties outside of the immediate area in **all other Wards that do not have so many viable farm acres being affected.** I do believe we will have major headaches trying to have the Province 'disclude' already designated Greenbelt, which means more money out of pocket in the hopes of development...City Staff and Council need to research all other outlying areas before putting all of their future eggs in one basket. If we have interested developers that wish to purchase the new lands at Aerotropolis, then I would propose to Council that they have a secured LOI from the said Developers\Investors...In other words, put up a non-refundable deposit of $50,000.00 (more/less depending on size) with a letter of intent stating that they will purchase and build within 'X' amount of years at this location. If we have interested parties, we know what we need to do ~ to be shovel ready for them, we also have a portion of the funding through their deposit. If they build, it goes towards the purchase price, if they bail, the City keeps the money. |
Many observers argue that Council meetings could be more respectful and professional. Do you agree? If so, what will you do to change this? | Yes | I agree that at some of the meetings; the tone, anger and attitude has gone out of bounds. If people would take a step back and understand why there are 'flare-ups', it would be easier to stay level headed. Bottom line is every Councillor wants what is best for their Constituents.
We need to get back to the basics that allowed each individual 'Hamlet' (Ward) to thrive and move forward as a Team. What I would propose to do is; Every Councillor and head of City Staff go out and have a "tour" of each Ward. Until someone actually knows the area, they are not prone to understanding the unique issue there. When people are trying to communicate an issue of importance to them and there is lack of understanding, it builds frustration. In essence, the communication process is already compromised because of ignorance and indifference. I am a huge advocate of negotiations and mediation. I remain very calm under huge amounts of pressure and have always put my foot into the other person's shoe. BALANCE My previous experience in being Chairperson and President of not for profit organizations has given me insight on ways to engage with those less patient. I will lead by example and keep the motto that we are all in this together to respect our differences, celebrate our uniqueness and make the City as a whole a better place no matter which Hamlet we live in. We must realize the old adage "United we stand, divided we fall..." I penned it slightly differently years ago to include "United we stand, divided we FAIL." I, as a new Councillor will work patiently, fairly and diligently to have our City Council be respected leaders in our community. |
Do you support Hamilton's LRT proposal? If so, what will you do to ensure Hamilton's success in building LRT? If not, why do you oppose it? | Yes | I support the long term goal of having a LRT in Hamilton. With that said, this is an investment of possibly over $850,000,000.00 ~ a huge amount of money!
There is sure to be disagreement with some of the outlying areas regarding this issue...I need to look at the big picture here and I do believe that if we have a LRT in Hamilton, it will encourage economic growth and more jobs. What I would do is make sure that there is a concrete plan on how we will integrate what we have now with what we visualize for the future. I would insist that City Staff and Council are acutely aware of how we 'merge' our existing transit with our future transit systems. We must look at our roadways and infrastructure and make sure that as improvements are done, we will not be 'un-doing / re-doing' them in five years from now to accommodate the LRT. In other words, before a road is widened, a sewage or waterline is repaired, we know where our LRT route is and do the upgrades to support that future line at the same time. I believe if we have all of 'our ducks in a row', we can secure more Provincial and Federal funding and combine it with monies already set aside for one project to be cost effective and pro-active towards our LRT, combining projects in a financially responsible way. I would also propose that any new industrial/commercial development that is on the planned LRT route have an extra development charge added for this bonus. In the big picture, the properties en route will be of increased value. We need to work 'smarter, not harder' to ensure that our tax dollars are spent in the most frugal way possible. |
Some cities have committed recently to publishing their public data in an open format that citizens can directly access. Should Hamilton pledge to become an "open source city"? Why or why not? | Yes | Hamilton should pledge to become an "open source City"! I believe all levels of Government should be open source. Crystal clear, transparent...We as the Citizens have been growing like mushrooms for far too long. If we brought in open source, we could begin to get back to the basics of democracy. It would be a hell of a lot harder for anyone, at any level to mislead the taxpayers. With modern technology and our social media so easily accessible, this is an easy, essential way to get everyone involved and re-connected with what really matters. Our future! Count on me to put a motion for this format in January...And RTH, I know that you guys will let everyone know when I get it done :) |
The City of Hamilton has committed to doubling transit ridership by 2020. Do you support this goal? If so, how would you realize it? | No | I have a hard time believing that this is possible within the next decade. For Dundas, the routes as they are, are not efficient nor addressing our Residents. I would propose that encouraging more ridership through darts and smaller busses in our Town. I watched yesterday, three busses go by King Street. The maximum people on board was 7. Possibly moving some of the stops to the seniors apartments and condos would be a more efficient use of the busses. I would love to see us partner with businesses in encouraging their employees to take public transit. Having the employers issue bus passes to the employees living out of the work area. If we can have the private corporations encourage bus usage by issuing passes to their employees as part of the benefits.
Is Hamilton doing enough to support and encourage new investment in our older neighbourhoods? If not, what should the City be doing? | No | If by "investment" you are referring to small business and enterprise, I don't believe the city is doing enough...They do have start up and business resources at City Hall that can be accessed but I don't think it is of any huge use.
The problem is too much red tape, too much indecision, too many headaches. The average small business owner already has the skills to carry out her/his business, yet when they get to City hall to apply for the necessary permits, they quickly find out about by-laws and zoning restrictions etc. So to be brief, no, Hamilton is not doing enough to support nor encourage new investment. They do not do enough to maintain existing businesses either. The City needs to address each entity separately. I keep saying ~ "We cannot be painted with the same brush"...each Ward is different and we cannot apply the same by-law that works on Upper James to a rural road in Flamborough. The same applies for different areas within the core of Hamilton. Many of our older neighbourhoods need to be cleaned up. Start by charging full tax to the people that are letting abandoned warehouses rot away...Encourage investors to purchase and rejuvenate these buildings by giving them the tax break for revitalizing our streetscape. We need to have our Council think outside the box and look at the broader picture. It worries me that everyone keeps reading about the struggles that existing entrepreneurs have within our City, this will discourage anyone who was thinking of coming to Hamilton, it certainly is not going to "encourage" them to invest here. We need investment in our City to come from the small entrepreneurs all the way to the big manufacturers...when we get that right, the average family will also invest, by purchasing a home. |