
Do you accept the evidence of human-caused global warming? If so, what policy measures do you support to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? If not, why not?

Responses to the question: "Do you accept the evidence of human-caused global warming? If so, what policy measures do you support to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? If not, why not?"

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Barry Spruce No Freedom Party is not convinced that humans are the main cause of so called Global Warming, which now is being changed to Climate Change due the fact that the earth is cooling more than warming. This is one of those idealistic beliefs that is difficult to change despite the facts that there is no solid indisputable evidence that can support either pro or con of the Global Warming agenda. Freedom Party certainly would support innovation and technology that will help reduce the overall emissions and pollution in general that impact our future for generations. Carbon tax schemes are about replacing revenue that governments know they will lose once Hydrocarbons decline in usage, as the governments takes huge revenue from taxes on Fuel. This is why technologies have been slow to come to the market as large government and large Oil & Gas companies are in no hurry to offset the current revenue streams. The Global Warming agenda is the excuse to convince the public that Carbon taxes will be needed. The UN Agenda 21 program is a real threat to how our future will be impacted, and Freedom Party will help to expose how this will impact families in all areas. The Ontario Green Energy act is a good example of how Agenda 21 has impacted the province by driving up the cost of energy. For some further insight on the Global Warming confusion I would encourage you to see this article.
Raymond Dartsch Yes Yes. Since most oil pumped is used for transportation, see my responses to LRT, GO transit, walking/cycling and land use, above. We also need a massive retrofitting of built structures in Ontario to make every building in the province a "Green" building, instead of building any more hydro infrastructure.
Ted McMeekin Yes 28 per cent of all insurance claims are paid out in response to catastrophic weather events. This will only increase if we don't take dramatic steps to reduce GHG emissions.

At McMaster's MARC, research continues to enhance the viability of electric powered cars. Our government has been proud to support this.

We must continue to invest more in public transit, versus building major superhighways like the Mid-Pen highway, which would only serve to encourage more reliance of gas powered vehicles, rip apart prime agricultural land and delay progress in areas that help our earth rather than smother our earth. We have proposed a 10-year, $29 billion plan to improve transit across the province, including $15 billion alone for the GTHA.

The elimination of coal fired generation plans is a perfect example of how our government is tackling the real challenges of climate change, rather than passing the buck onto future generations.

Former US VP Al Gore, a well-known climate advocate, said Ontario has led the way with its plan to eliminate coal. Closing the coal power plants was the largest climate change action ever taken in North America.

A greenbelt must not only run around cities, but through cities. Our platform speaks to working with municipalities to promote urban forestry and plant 50 million trees province-wide.

An additional policy measure our government recently introduced was the Greener Diesel mandate that came into effect April 1.

The new regulations require at least 2 per cent biodiesel be blended into petroleum diesel. This new policy will result in an average of at least 4 per cent biofuel blend into regular diesel by 2017, achieving a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by about 600,000 tonnes per year by that point.

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3 Candidates Have Not Responded (top)

Alex Johnstone
Donna Skelly
Glenn Langton