
Do you support maintaining or expanding the protection of farmland and rural natural land from urban boundary expansions?

Responses to the question: "Do you support maintaining or expanding the protection of farmland and rural natural land from urban boundary expansions?"

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3 Candidate Responses (top)

Hamilton Mountain
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Greg Lenko Yes I definitely support expanding the protection of farmland and rural natural land. Ontario is losing 365 acres of farmland a day, an area the size of Toronto every year. We can't afford to lose those farms. We can never replace them, and only 0.5% of Ontario's land is prime farmland in the first place. Protecting prime farmland from development doesn't cost Ontarians anything as taxpayers. The benefits, on the other hand, are priceless. Who wouldn't rather eat fresh picked produce rather than produce that was picked before it was ready then shipped thousands of km to a grocery store while it ripened on the way.
Hans Wienhold No I do not support any ideologically driven attempts by politicians and their rent seeking cronies to manipulate the allocation of land.

Instead I would support market based direct democracy where the people decide how to allocate rural and urban boundaries. This process would occur naturally via the combination of mutually agreed buying and selling decisions involving only those with a direct and compelling interest in the outcome. (I.E. Those spending their own money.)
Monique Taylor Yes The Ontario NDP is committed to preserving Ontario's farmland for future generations. The loss of Ontario's most productive agricultural land is one of the greatest threats to local food and farming in Ontario. However, this issue cannot be resolved by simply making more regulations at the provincial level. It needs to be solved through consultation with stakeholders across the province. We will work with all stakeholders involved to develop a farmland preservation plan.

Response Summary (top)

Brief ResponseCount% of Total

3 Candidates Have Not Responded (top)

Hamilton Mountain
Albert Marshall
Brian Goodwin
Javid Mirza