
Should the province play a role in encouraging safer streets that promote more active transportation like walking and cycling?

Responses to the question: "Should the province play a role in encouraging safer streets that promote more active transportation like walking and cycling?"

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3 Candidate Responses (top)

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Barry Spruce No The province has limited direct impact on the Safer Street concepts, other than enacting new laws that would reduce driving speeds. driver distraction etc. The municipality has more direct impact on this matter, as it provides the policing and parking authority to manage the day to day in the city.
Raymond Dartsch Yes It should! And play less of a role promoting freeways and automobiles like it has for the past 100 years.
Ted McMeekin Yes Yes, and Ontario's Cycling Strategy looks ahead 20 years and outlines what needs to be done to promote cycling across the province as a viable mode of transportation.

More and more people are choosing cycling as their preferred way to get around. Ontario's Cycling Strategy provides a route map to support and encourage this growth in cycling over the next 20 years.

Increasing the number of cyclists in Ontario holds many potential long-term benefits. Ontario's Cycling Strategy supports Ontarians adopting healthier and active lifestyles, the tourism industry, as well as the achievement of environmental and economic objectives.

The province will play a leadership role in striving to achieve our cycling vision, but we are asking municipalities, the public, road users, businesses and non-governmental organizations to partner with us to create a more cycling-friendly future for Ontario.

For more information on our government's cycling strategy, visit http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/pubs/cycling-guide/pdfs/MTO-CycleON-EN.pdf

Response Summary (top)

Brief ResponseCount% of Total

3 Candidates Have Not Responded (top)

Alex Johnstone
Donna Skelly
Glenn Langton