
The House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage has recommended that CBC's annual parliamentary grant be raised from $33 per Canadian to $40. Will you support this recommendation? Why or why not? If so, will you advocate for a Hamilton-based CBC radio station?

Responses to the question: "The House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage has recommended that CBC's annual parliamentary grant be raised from $33 per Canadian to $40. Will you support this recommendation? Why or why not? If so, will you advocate for a Hamilton-based CBC radio station?"

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Hamilton East-Stoney Creek
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Bob Green Innes Yes A $7 increase is a little more than 20% extra when the little guys we are focusing on, are having to tighten their belts to pay higher prices, but on the same or lower wages. The Commons Committee must be Standing at the lounge because they don't understand that higher taxes always translates to higher cost throughout the economy. That being said, the Canadian Action Party believes that public works are suffering because taxpayers are subsidizing bankers instead of utilizing our own Bank of Canada. That's $57 billion PER YEAR that could be used for this or any other purpose such as eliminating student loans. See our website for details.

Personally, I enjoy certain CBC radio programs, usually via their excellent podcast service.

A CBC Hamilton station might help to counter the horrible effects of both the Spectator and commercial radio. I think historians will recognize how these outlets generally bamboozle Hamiltonians into voting for money interests (suburbia, malls, cars) instead of what is best for the city. While CBC might help, I have my doubts since CBC has its own bias toward left leaning Keynesian (big government) solutions.

I will also never forgive CBC for its role in almost costing us Quebec. While CAP is fiercely nationalist, there is something about CBC that undermines what Canada was, and could become again. Ordinary Canadians don't need a bigger nanny CBC to tell us what to think.

I guess that means my short answer is NO!
David Hart Dyke Yes I'd support putting it up even higher. Whatever you think of their entertainment and opinion programs, CBC's news division does an excellent job. During a time when corporate-owned media are increasingly putting news departments at the service of special interests, it's vital that the people of Canada have a source of information that doesn't have to cater to such interests, or to ratings.

And yes, I will certainly advocate for a Hamilton-based CBC radio station; in fact, I've done so in the past. I believe Hamilton's municipal political system would be far more responsive, accountable and responsible if a media presence having CBC's clout appeared on the scene.
Gord Hill Yes Yes. I believe we need a strong voice that speaks for Canadians in an over polluted information highway, it must be unbiased and trustworthy giving a true picture of who we are. I would advocate for a CBC Hamilton Radio Station.
Greg Pattinson No A free country fundamentally requires a free press. Authoritarian states require control of the media. I want Canada to be a free country so the Libertarian party and I fundamentally oppose state run media. Instead of increasing the parliamentary grant to $40 per Canadian and increasing taxes the grant should be reduced to $0 and decrees taxes. There are many other stations that make a profit without resorting to government handouts. CBC should operate the same way.
Wayne Marston Yes All three Hamilton-area NDP MPs are on record supporting the re-location of a CBC radio station in Hamilton. Hamilton is an amazing diverse city with a sizeable population and its own unique history and culture. It is not Toronto. That it should have its own public radio station is for me a no-brainer.

New Democrats believe that the CBC must be well-funded and protected, even as its administration needs to be made more transparent. The CBC, without adequate funding, will not survive. Underfunded by current and previous governments as it has been, it has lost and is losing its ability to fulfill its mandate. I therefore wholeheartedly and unhesitatingly support Heritage's recommendations.

Response Summary (top)

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4 Candidates Have Not Responded (top)

Hamilton East-Stoney Creek
Bob Mann
Brad Clark
Michelle Stockwell
Wendell Fields