
Should we spend the Future Fund to build a Pan Am / Ticat stadium on the CP Rail Yard lands? Why or why not?

Responses to the question: "Should we spend the Future Fund to build a Pan Am / Ticat stadium on the CP Rail Yard lands? Why or why not?"

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2 Candidate Responses (top)

Ward 10
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Bustamante, Jose Pablo No In this specific case I do not have all the economic data to form a judgment. But in principle I will oppose the use of the Future Fund to finance a FOR PROFIT Business. The Future Fund should be used in projects for the benefit of the whole society.

Looking at the objectives of the fund, there is nothing in the legal framework to impede the use of the fund by city officials. However, we will need evaluate this case with a detailed economic analysis. Who is paying for what? Where the money is coming from? How the stadium will be used? Does the Ticat will pay rent or we will pay them royalties? and How much money the city will receive as future cashflows for this investment? After having all this information, then we can decide if is feasible or not the use of the Future Fund for the Pan-Am Stadium.
Josipovic, Bernard No No we should not spend the future fund on a stadium on the CP rail sight. There are much better sites in Hamilton that we have to revisit and take a second look at.

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Ward 10
Pearson, Maria