
Bruce Whitelaw, Candidate for Ward 8 in Hamilton Municipal Election 2010

Details page for this candidate.

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Candidate Details (top)

NameWhitelaw, Bruce
ElectionHamilton Municipal Election 2010
AreaWard 08
Email bewhitelaw@mountaincable.net
Website (no website listed)

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Responses to Questions (top)

QuestionBrief ResponseFull Response
For your campaign, will you be accepting donations from corporations or unions? If so, why? If not, why not? Yes At the start of this election I was hoping not to take any donations but the cost of an election is a lot more than what I expected.

Plus the costs of sending my daughter to college out of town at the same time of the election do have an effect.

Will I accept donations from corporations or unions?

At the present time I have not received any donations from any corporations, unions or personal donations.

Now I have to look at all the other candidates. Are we all playing at the same field level? The answer is NO we are not play on the same field.

Until the next city Council has been elected in, I have no choice but to accept union and personal donations so that I can have a fair chance of being elected to the next city Council.