
Bonus question: If LRT goes ahead, what will you do to ensure Hamilton receives the maximum benefit?

Responses to the question: "Bonus question: If LRT goes ahead, what will you do to ensure Hamilton receives the maximum benefit?"

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Ward 07
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Benson, Steve Maybe If the LRT is to be built it is mandatory to plan for stop and go areas, meaning places people can drive to and park their cars to ride the LRT. We also need to build for future expansion.
Currently City Council, in its short sighted thinking, has not included Park’n Ride areas in their planning. So people who live on the mountain can’t drive down the Claremont Hill for instance and park off Victoria to ride the train. These people will still drive through downtown to get where they are going. It is literally proves city designers have no vision and do not think for the future.
In spite of everything the City says its wants to do to reduce cars in the downtown area,. they continuously ignore opportunities to do so.
This City Council seems to have no vision. No concrete plan. Some councillors are blindly following without actually looking for solutions.
I believe we have a serious lack of common sense and long term vision directing our cities growth. One of the biggest reason I feel is we are still following an outdated master plan created in the 90’s and I believe taken from the direction of the provincial government at the time. No wonder we are going backwards. Time for Change.
Kazubek, Joseph Yes I will ensure that HSR receives adequate funding to enhance services and to offer more services among the mountain wards.

Aswell, all contracts are to be awarded to local businesses, and all supply are to be purchased locally, and metro link is to honour the union discussions that have already occurred.
MacIntyre, Dan Yes We need to focus on communicating with residents across all of Hamilton in order to educate them on the BLAST network. I want to see the project finished ahead of schedule and under budget, while that may be a challenge it’s still a great goal to have. Ensuring that the rest of the BLAST network implementation isn’t met with such resistance should be one of our goals as a city as we can’t afford further delay with this network. Continuing to attract investment and max out that transit corridor for development is the maximum benefit for Hamilton. I want to be able to hang my hat on having been a part of the effort to bring new employers and economic investment to this city and immediately demonstrate that the B-Line has paid for itself with economic activity.
McMullen, Geraldine Yes Much of the work has been done on this file, through multiple decisions, over almost a decade now, made by previous Councils. Continued funding was promised by the recently installed provincial government. If the funding comes with specific caveats, then we deal with that when it comes. If the LRT goes ahead, we must, as a Council, act as one in supporting proposals that attract future funding. Supporting a majority decision of a board (Council) is the backbone of a unified request for funding from provincial and federal governments. Going rogue does not bode well for a forward thinking Council. As Abraham Lincoln once asserted, “a house divided against itself will soon fall”.
Pauls, Esther Yes Advocate on behalf of Ward 7 residents for the best service that they are being taxed for.

Response Summary (top)

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6 Candidates Have Not Responded (top)

Ward 07
Clarke, Steve
Clowater, Kristopher
Dirani, Adam
Grice-Uggenti, Karen
McColl, Jim
Schneider, Roland