
Do you support phasing out area rating for transit? Why or why not?

Responses to the question: "Do you support phasing out area rating for transit? Why or why not?"

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6 Candidate Responses (top)

Ward 03
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Bureau, Alain Yes
Farr, Laura Yes Phasing out area rating for transit was supposed to be done. No one wants to see their property taxes go up. However, many in the rural areas would like bus service. We need to rip that bandaid off while being sensitive to the costs of doing so.
Kuruc, Ned Maybe I would consider supporting the phasing out of area rating for transit, when all areas have equal access to public transportation.
Nann, Nrinder Yes Yes, I support phasing out Area Rating.

It divides our city and locks us in a pre-amalgamation mindset. Not everyone lives and work in the same neighbourhood. Transit should therefore serve people's ability to move around the city seamlessly and be charged on an equal rate. This means creating a harmonized transit levy for the entire city.
Smith, Dan Yes Yes, it would help finance a better public transit system.
Sprague, Kristeen Yes I do support phasing this out if doing so improves access to transit for more riders.

Response Summary (top)

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7 Candidates Have Not Responded (top)

Ward 03
Balta, Milena
Beck, Keith
Denault, Steven Paul
Kavanaugh, Brendan
Lemma, Tony
Rowe, Stephen
Salonen, Amanda