Candidate | Brief Response | Full Response |
Iszkula, Robert |
Yes |
Yes. Previous councils have been underfunding the HSR for the last 20 years. This needs to be reversed. I will ask the HSR to completely revisit the bus routes to tie into the new rapid transit along the B-Line. This reconfiguration will mean that even the neighbourhoods nowhere near the line will see vast improvements in transit using the resources we already have. I want to see a more efficient HSR network of bus routes on the mountain, with easier connections to downtown. LRT is a huge opportunity to leverage provincial funding to free up the buses we already own for better service throughout the city. |
Whitehead, Terry |
Yes |
Yes, absolutely. I believe the mountain transit routes do not effectively meet the needs of the ridership. The routes need to be dramatically changed to create a more efficient, predictable transit service for the riders. I support the 10 year master plan for public transit and will continue working with staff to improve the type of vehicles to ensure that our passengers have the best experience possible on the HSR. |
Wilson, Bryan |
Yes |
Yes I do. I support accepting the generous one billion dollar funding from the provincial government to build LRT and from there the BLAST network. I would like to see dedicated bus lanes added where possible as this encourages more people to use transit when the traffic doesn't affect it as it would a car. |