
Do you support term limits for municipal politicians? Why or why not?

Responses to the question: "Do you support term limits for municipal politicians? Why or why not?"

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2 Candidate Responses (top)

Niagara West-Glanbrook
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Anthony Marco Maybe Ontario's NDP believes that measures are needed to enhance democratic participation and accountability at the municipal level. Too often, municipal politicians are beholden to big donors such as developers rather than the needs of their constituents. The NDP proposed stronger restrictions on municipal donations such as reducing donation amounts and banning loans to candidates. These were defeated by the McGuinty government.
Geoff Peacock No All politicians should be elected but it is up to the people to decide if they want to keep electing them.

Response Summary (top)

Brief ResponseCount% of Total

6 Candidates Have Not Responded (top)

Niagara West-Glanbrook
Gerry Augustine
Katie Trombetta
Marty Poos
Meredith Cross
Rob Wienhold
Tim Hudak