
Louis Vecchioni, Candidate for Ward 7 in Ward 7 By-Election 2016

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Candidate Details (top)

NameVecchioni, Louis
ElectionWard 7 By-Election 2016
AreaWard 07
Email lou@sourcecable.net
Website (no website listed)
Bio60 years of age, retired electrician from Dofasco, widowed with 2 grown children, lives in Ward 7, since 1999.

To me, being elected is not the issue, the people of this ward should vote for who they feel is best suited to give this ward a proper direction, in solving many of our social, and economic problems. It’s about realizing what individuals can accomplish if they desire or put their minds to it.

People shouldn't just sit on the side lines and just criticize what goes on in this beautiful city, doing something constructive, will far out weigh anything that can be complained about. We need to accomplish by electing a person who receives a majority of the total eligible voters (a majority of the approximately 40,000 voters), not a majority of the 31 % that voted in the 2014 municipal elections. How can we accept anything less !!

It’s getting to the point when people have to give back to their communities to repair and improve the place where they work, live and play! Inaction hurts everyone, seeing the big picture is always a difficult task, if we start using common reasoning and a little bit of love, we can overcome issues that are effecting not only our city, but many cities across Canada.

When an opportunity presents itself, one should take it and create something that will benefit, what they reach for, whether it is family, friends, or our local community. This opportunity presented is to try and make people aware of what’s happening today! Thank you.

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Responses to Questions (top)

QuestionBrief ResponseFull Response
How important is it for Council to work with specific goals and targets for each City Department at the beginning of each year? How would you ensure this happened? Yes Specific goals and targets are important to be able to be successful in government or any endeavor. Use specific programs, run by an appointed city hall personnel, qualified in statistic control. The new city Charter, developed by the Hamilton Engaged Committee, would give city counsel ( if approved ) an excellent template to guide Council in making decisions.
Will you encourage the city to shift new development away from car-dependant sprawl? Yes If we can make smaller communities, that are self contained, with what people require, the need of automobiles can be reduced. With the abilities to walk, cycle, some type of smaller HSR vehicles to transport people with such things as groceries, auto reduction can be obtainable.
Will you push for increased transit investment on the Mountain? If so, how will you pay for it? Yes Transit is an important issue for the residents of Hamilton, there is a need to increase transit investment, there has to be a better connection for people to travel in all areas of the city. Isolating for example between the lower city and upper city, creates division that does the city harm, other cities seem to find the dollars to improve transit and hence rider ship !

We could start by using the area rating funds, that some of the wards use internally to get much needed cash, and the 10.5 % increase council members are asking for their own office budgets of 2016 to kick start transit improvements sooner than later.
Income inequality is a serious problem in Hamilton, and poverty is increasing in mountain neighbourhoods. What will you do to reduce inequality in Ward 7 and across the city? Yes As there are 1 in 5 people that live below the poverty line in Hamilton, the unemployment rate above the national average, creating smaller manufacturing opportunities in the city's largest ward, we can increase jobs. This will naturally increase incomes for our residents. On a larger scale invite companies large and medium sized to open talks in establishing more businesses across the city, whether solo or in partnership with the city.
In your view, what's not happening now in the City of Hamilton that you'd like to see happen? Why? What's not happening now in Ward 7 that you'd like to see happen? Why? What's not happening now at City Hall that you'd like to see happen? Why? Yes Engagement needs to be done by more citizens in the running of our city.

- more voter turn outs in elections,
- more issues being put out to vote on
- 16 people on counsel just isn't working the way it should.

Ward 7 is isolating itself, more needs to be done to bring people together and get their inputs; such as area festivals, music events, where we can gather to meet residents / neighbors of Ward 7. In the lower city, decisions by Council take to long,

- some are defeated, with little investigation
- a lot are sent back to staff for more information
- it seems that Council has a us & them attitude, we are all in this together in running this city. Surely we can make decisions for the betterment of Hamilton, that it seems at times to be lost with Councillors !
Will you push for a safe, continuous cycling network in Ward 7 with better connections to the rest of the mountain and the lower city? Yes Cycling is also increasing as a method for transporting people,, more residents want more bike lanes and safe lanes in which to travel in this city. The Claremont access has a down lane that has been closed to traffic since a ground slide, caused the metal barrier to collapse down the side of the hill, a few years ago. Why not use that lane for up & down cycle lanes ?
Do you support a more vibrant neighbourhood retail destination on Upper Wellington? If so, what do you propose to achieve this? Maybe An Upper Wellington retail destination spot, would be interesting, not sure where on Upper Wellington you would build retail outlets, not a lot of vacant land on that particular street ? Unless you know something we don't, such as private investment in the Bethel Church area ?
How will you help to break down barriers between Councillors and the Wards they represent to ensure a more cohesive Council and more balanced decision making? Yes Wards through their community hub committees, should be allowed more input to decisions at city hall. When city staff does their homework, Council should not take that information and make a viable decision and not send it back for more info, just because a Councillor will make a stand on an issue, by their own opinion and not what the majority of citizens want ! Again back to where one Councillor is voted into office with less than 10 % of the eligible votes i.e. Ward 3 election results. A majority of the minority of voter turn out is not a good thing to happen in any election !

More important issues such as poverty and social housing are neglected and less important issues: i.e.- garbage pickup weekly or bi weekly, - no. of garbage bags allowed at the curb for pick up, - snow removal, these such issues bring an up roar and settled faster, because residents fail to see the bigger picture.
Will you encourage the creation and growth of more neighbourhood associations in your ward? Yes Community Hubs are an important everyday function in the lower city, such as Beasley, a new hub in the Butler community has just started to organize on the central mountain area, with hopefully more to be created on the mountain.