
Do you support the proposal to build a new mid-Peninsula highway?

Responses to the question: "Do you support the proposal to build a new mid-Peninsula highway?"

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4 Candidate Responses (top)

Hamilton Centre
CandidateBrief ResponseFull Response
Bob Mann No No. We need more and improved passenger service to alleviate gridlock and environmental damage. The peninsula contains some of the best farmland in Canada and it should be protected not further eroded.
Donna Tiqui-Shebib No Tim Hudak wants to build his unnecessary mid-peninsula highway - forgoing any care for environmental impact or necessity. The proposed highway would go through prime farmland that the province relies on for fresh, Ontario-grown produce. Based on previous PC
infrastructure decisions, it would likely end up being a private toll route.
John Vail Yes Thanks for the questions but in my opinion they are better directed to municipal candidates as the questions relate directly to municipal issues and not to provincial issues which are jobs, the provincial economy, the provincial deficit, provincial debt reduction, and lower provincial taxes
Peter Ormond No Of course NOT ! Paving farmland doesn't make sense. We have enough roads already, and mass transit infrastructure within cities and between cities inevitable in the future. We're in the 21st century folks, so let's get with the times. No new highways anymore. The focus has to be mass transit.

Response Summary (top)

Brief ResponseCount% of Total

2 Candidates Have Not Responded (top)

Hamilton Centre
Andrea Horwath
Peter Melanson