
Do you support term limits for municipal politicians? Why or why not?

Responses to the question: "Do you support term limits for municipal politicians? Why or why not?"

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4 Candidate Responses (top)

Hamilton Mountain
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Hans Wienhold Yes Well, I am going to get a little personal here. You see, I drive a cab in the City of Hamilton. As such, my fortunes are determined by the decisions made by municipal politicians because they regulate the local taxi business.

Their regulations to date have resulted in the average taxi driver in Hamilton earning significantly less than the minimum wage.... about $40 or $50 dollars per day.... if that.

I would therefore support pegging a politician's salary to that of the average taxi driver.

Trust me. In such a scenario... the terms for municipal politicians would be highly self-limiting.
Monique Taylor Maybe Ontario's NDP believes that measures are needed to enhance democratic participation and accountability at the municipal level. Too often, municipal politicians are beholden to big donors such as developers rather than the needs of their constituents. The NDP proposed stronger restrictions on municipal donations such as reducing donation amounts and banning loans to candidates. These were defeated by the McGuinty government.
Sophia Aggelonitis No The Municipal Elections Act (MEA) is reviewed after every municipal election and a review is currently underway. The review is done in consultation with a number of key municipal-sector partners, Elections Ontario and the public. Ontario Liberals do not believe in imposing rules governing the municipal sector without engaging in meaningful consultations. Should the municipal sector request term limits for those seeking office, we would consider their request as part of the MEA consultation.
Tony Morris No The Green Party does not support term limits for municipal councilors. Local councils need experienced members that have time to learn the difficulty of governing in a municipal setting as well as developing an opportunity to become great councillors. Term limits would effectively prevent good councilors from retaining their positions even if the public supports them. Eliminating corporate and union donations to provincial and municipal campaigns, can be used to dissolve some of the advantages that an incumbent has.

Response Summary (top)

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4 Candidates Have Not Responded (top)

Hamilton Mountain
Brian Goodwin
Geordie Elms
Jim Enos
Trevor Pettit